Sunday, November 27, 2005

I'm doctor in medicine

Cover of my thesis book, and link to all its content

Yes, I finally made it! It's almost one month since I defended my PhD dissertation. It all happened the 2nd of November 2005 at the Oude Academiegebouw of the University of Groningen.

The main goal of my arrival to the Netherlands was achieved almost six years later. I know it took a little longer than expected, but it was not a easy task. Anyhow, it is quite an achivement as for any other science researcher.

The subject of my thesis project was to improve the clinical use of a technology to only assess the blood perfusion in living tissue, which is called laser Doppler perfusion monitoring (LDPM). In my case, I proposed and tested alternative operational methods to increase the reproducibility of the measurements performed for diagnosys purposes. For a more boring description read the book.

From now, I am a doctor in medicine but don't call me "doc". Thanks :)


Unknown said...

Enhorabuena "Doc" :) Ya has escrito un libro ahora te queda plantar un arbol y tener un crio y te habras realizado en la vida jejjeje

Anonymous said...
