Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Kind of fun

It finally arrived!

Today I stepped into the mail room and suddenly I noticed an odd smell; pretty stinky, thought. Then I looked around and, GREAT!!, it was there standing. A small box that my mom packed with some tasteful food, including a piece of cheese. I recognised right away what it is that stink coming from. Yes!!, the cheese. So delitious. I'm looking forward to go home and give it a try. Well, actually the cheese is meant to be spreaded on bread because it is very creamy.

Quickly as I just had stolen something, I ran to my office. I only had one tought in my mind: get the fucking stinky cheese in the car ASAP!!!. The box just stayed in my offcie for 2 mins, and now I've got a deep fragance stuck in here. But not only that. The whole corridor stinks, back and forth from my office. It was fun to hear how people passing by were sniffing hard trying to recognise and/or pin-point the odour. I better keep myself in anonimacy.

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